All orders are shipped registered with a tracking number. A shipping notification with the tracking number will be sent to your email address when the goods have shipped from our warehouse. If you have registered an account with us then you can also login to your account to see the order status.
Delivery time depends on the shipping mode. Air express shipments are delivered in 5 workdays. Standard air shipments are delivered in 2 to 3 weeks and surface shipments are delivered in 6 to 9 weeks.
If you have not received within the stated delivery time frame then initially call the customer service department of the courier service. In some countries an inbound shipment from overseas can't be tracked online but the customer service agents can look it up in their internal mail handling system. They will provide you the shipment status and re-schedule delivery in cases where delivery have already been attempted. By doing so you avoid the delay of having the package returned to us in Hong Kong and then re-shipped to you. If the local courier service can not retrieve the shipment based on the tracking number then inform us at